Undoubtedly, the price of a product is one of the most important factors on the consumer’s decision.
Correct pricing is closely related to many factors, from project profitability to sales process. If a project is wrongly priced, both the manufacturer and the project will suffer serious damage to the perception of all domestic and foreign real estate investors.
AREAS prices out the project successfully by finding realistic approaches to the the project. Rising price in the sales process with rational decision reflects to the sales process and turnover of the project positively. In all stages, from assesment to a unit square meter pricing and to price increases during the sales period of the project, AREAS develops a solution proposal that enables the sale to proceed in parallel with the production process.
What should be the first exit pricing of the project? What should be the pricing of the latest product sold in the final project? What should be the product price in the project average? We carry out rigorous work as AREAS in many subjects. We present our forecasts together with alternative price tables to the contractor company and make all necessary evaluations together.